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español / ingles

Galería Fotografica Isla Mocha

The Orphan Pine

Actually, the history does not treat itself about a pine, but about a cypress which raises solitarily to the shore of the way in the plot number 20. The villagers say that in this place the devil goes out, and everyone that circulates along this place in winter nights, meet the devil or he jumps to his horse's haunch. Because of it the southerners, when they travel to the north side try to leave before the naight falls down.
They tell that a man who lives in the south side, one day on Tuesday he went to visit his sister who lives in the north side. After having dinner, he said goodbye to his sister, took his motorcycle and he departed course to his house.

It was about six o'clock in the afternoon; he was going through the plot number 19 in front of the "Santiago", when he felt that someone went up to his motorcycle. There was so great his fear that was not daring to look backward. He tried to stop his vehicle, but this one did not obey and continued advancing. The man felt his sweating go across him, but he was not able to emit sound.

When he reach the "orphaned pine", he felt that a man in black, that is to say the devil, went down the motorcycle and disappeared. This man arrived to his house "with the heart in the hands" , where he told what had happened. That night he could not sleep thinking about what he had lived, and he promised to his self not to return by night to his house anymore.

