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español / ingles

Galería Fotografica Isla Mocha

The Lost Child

Was a beautiful weekend in the sector The Lighthouse, place where the marines entrusted to supply the lighthouses. To this place a couple had arrived with their son nine years old. This blond child was crossing the sector from a place to another to satisfy his curiosity. One day he met other children of the same age and they went to play in a corner the shore of the mountain, breaking woods, collecting flowers, watching insects and running continuously.

Suddenly, a great storm comes, those one when in winter one doesn't desire to put the top of the nose out, with thunders, lightnings, rain and strong winds that drag everything what they plunder from a place to another one. When the children saw that it was getting dark and, knowing what was coming for them, doubted not even a second to move away and to go to their houses, but the foreign child, or the "continental one" did not even give importance to the calling from the other children, and he continued exploring, even listening to the callings and warnings from his friends who were running full speed crossing the field to come soon to their houses.

The evening came, the child's parents saw that their son was not returning, and they started worrying, and they went out to look at him in the local surroundings. As it was getting dark quickly, they decided to go out and look for him, asking even in the houses of the neighbors if they had seen him, but nothing.

The fear and the desperation started doing prey of them; even making they think that something serious had happened to his son. They asked for help to the neighbors, who, meeting with torches, lamps, and when they formed groups of four or more people, began the search.

The shouts and callings were resounding for all the corners. Occasionally, the whirled wind, extinguished the lamps and did not allowed that the shouts should de listened.

Suddenly it started raining with such force that was impossible to go on with the search and they should have returned with the sadness and the disappointment in the faces of those people that nothing could do against the implacable nature that was refusing to give the opportunity to find the missed child.

It rained for two days and the parents of the child, with a renewed hope, they began the search again, asking for help to the authorities and neighbors that as the first time, they wanted to collaborate. They began to search in the surroundings and in the very small forests that they were finding in the way where the child had disappeared.

When suddenly, they saw smoke at the feet of the mountain. They ran in this direction without stopping and, which would be his surprise when they found the child sleeping calmly in the shore of a bonfire, totally dry and without a scratch in the skin.

They woke him up and the child looked at them as if nothing had happened, but on having seen the frightened faces of those who were looking at him, he remembered everything and told his parents and neighbors that when it started raining, he got scared and not having seen his friends, he started to cry desperately.

Then, in front of him a very high and thin man who was dressed all in black apeared, invited him and I took him to a place unknown for him, where there was so much fire.

This gentleman in black, as the child calls him, had given him food without saying anything. Then, he slept, and woke up in the place where he was found healthy and safe.

Those who listened to the statement, especially the elderly mas, were praying and doing the sign of the cross, afraid of that " Man in black " could return to the place to look for the child. The child, after telling what had happened, returned to his house to rest and then to make his suitcases for returning to the continent.

The local elders assure that that " Man in black " was not other one that the Devil who patrols the dark cold nights of winter, looking for a soul to take it to him.

Note: This legend was compiled by the student Gregorio Joaquín Guzmán Cruzat, 5th grade at the G-501 school in island in 1992, and it was selected for a competition organized by the Mapuche Museum of Cañete`s friends Cultural Corporation, 8th Region.
