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español / ingles

Galería Fotografica Isla Mocha

The Appearances of the Landslides

In the plot number 20, sector "The precipices", it is commented since many years the appearances of a dog without head. The animal, suddenly appears and follows the steps of the people. They say that this dog was the keeper of a burial.

Also, they tell that around 1958, in the same sector, a gentleman was riding horse when a white rabbit, a very white one appeared suddenly . The rabbit's whiteness was so impressive to him, that he decided to stop the horse and to follow it. The rabbit started turning around a mound and when he was for reaching it, he stumbled and fell down to the floor. When he stood up, the white rabbit had disappeared. The man was so scared, because in those days rabbits did not exist. At once, he went back to his horse and left the place very quickly.

When he went bakc to his house, after telling what had happened, he started thinking about what could it be, but he did not find the answer. The following day, he wokw up very early and he went to the place where he had seen the white rabbit. When he arrived there, he met a great surprise: in the mound in which there was a bush "chupalla", which had already been extracted, there was a great hole. They all say that in that place there was a burial and that someone must have extracted it, since the white rabbit did not appear any more
