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español / ingles

Galería Fotografica Isla Mocha



Robalos (Eliginops Maclovinus)
elongated, cylindrical, filement form body, and of discreetly squashed head. Small mouth, protractile. Back of black greenish color, the same as the dorsal and caudal flippers. The pelvic and anal flippers are of silvered white color and the pectoral flipper of green color, clearer than the back. It presents two dorsal flippers, a first small and triangular dorsal, and a second long and high dorsal formed only by radioes.
Geographical Distribuición:
Near the coast, in depths up to of 50 meters Habitually it's possible to find them among rocks.
It consumes preferably fishes, and crustaceans which have legs by both left and right sides of the body (as sea fleas). Besides it consumes algaes that have chlorophyll (sea lettuce) and red pigments (red algae).

Bass (Cilus Gilberti)Corvina

Fish of filement form body, laterally compressed, of blue color in the back, light blue in the flanks and whitish - silver in the abdomen. The lateral line of this species is very long spreading beyond the end of the caudal peduncle managing to spread even up to the posterior end of the caudal flipper.
Geographical Distribuición:
Occupying generally as its habitat areas near to the coast, principally in reefs and sandy beaches areas
The preference to such small fishes as sardines and anchovy, and small crustaceans which have legs by both left and right sides of the body, and sea pigs.

Sawfish (Thyrsites Atun)Sierra (Thyrsites Atun )

Fish of very elongated, planked and slightly compressed body. The head is sharpened, finished in a sharp vertex, the terminal mouth is big and ends at the level of the projection of the previous edge of the eye.. It presents two dorsal flippers, the first one is long and compound by bones, followed by dorsal flipper constituted by radioes, behind which a 7 small flippers serie is implanted, that are lightly over the average ventral line of the caudal peduncle.. Its body's coloration is compound by a silvered grey in its flanks, and by a dark blue color its back.
Its nourishment is based principally on small fish such as anchovy, sardine.Sierra (Thyrsites Atun )

Jurel (Trachurus Symmetricus Murphyi)
Filament form body, with the back of greenish blue color and abdomen of yellowish white color. It presents two dorsal flippers, the first one is higher and triangular, compound only by bones and the second one constituted by bones and radioes, forming a "keel" on both sides of the caudal peduncle.. The pectoral flipper is long.
Geographical Distribuición:
Pelagic Fishes which are distributed on the continental platform between 0 to 100 meters forming shoals or fish associated with sardine, anchovy and Spanish sardine.

small pelagic fishes.


Sole small eyes (Paralichthys Microps)


Oval body and laterally compressed , with its eyes both in the left side. The side where the eyes are located is homogeneous dark brown colored, with no spots.
The blind side of creamy color, With ctenoid scales in the side where eyes are located, and scales cyclid scales on the blind side. The dorsal flipper crosses almost the fish's whole back and is originated at the level of the previous half of the eye.
Geographical Distribuición:
It's common in the sandy bottoms of the littoral, up to 50 meters of depth.
The sole of small eyes' nourishment in the island is composed by a wide spectrum, being principally about fishes (Engraulidae, Clupeidae, Pinguipedidae, etc.)


